
We are so glad you are here! Everyone is welcome at First Lutheran.


We are a "come as you are" church. 
Wear a dress or suit, wear jeans and sneakers, wear what you would like to wear. 

Please bring your babies and children. 
You will hear babies and children during our services and we love them!! 
Busy bags and children's bulletins are provided. Children in worship are a high priority for us. 
Bring your children to the front rows so they can see what is going on and be an active part of worship!
If for any reason you would like to step out, we do have a cry room 
where you can still hear and see our service


A Lutheran service will consist of music and singing accompanied by an organ and piano, 
readings from the Bible, a sermon and communion. 
If you have not been instructed in the Service of the Sacrament, 
you may come to the alter for a blessing or remain in your seat.

Come and get to know us!

